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公益社団法人日本トライアスロン連合 JTU 2014JTUニュースリリース 発行元:公益社団法人日本トライアスロン連合 JTU



INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON UNION Event Organisers' Manual (EOM) Part D: Appendix


イベント・オーガナイザーズ・マニュアル(2000年版)パートD *84頁から127頁・簡易訳(JTU発信2014年2月5日)

Notes for Paratriathlon LOCs, 85  パラトライアスロンLOCの注意事項、85頁
Notes for Winter Triathlon LOCs,89  ウィンタートライアスロンLOC注意事項、89
Notes for the Cross Triathlon LOCs,91 クロストライアスロンLOC注意事項、91
Construction plan sample,93 設営計画サンプル、93
Detailed activities schedule,94 詳細活動計画、94
Budget Template,96 予算テンプレート、96
Critical path sample (operations),102 クリティカルパスサンプル:重要手順の実例(運営)、102
Marine operation plan - Olympic Games level competition,104 海洋運営計画 - オリンピックレベル競技会、104
Run course measurement manual,113 ランコース測定マニュアル、113
Sport equipment list,123 競技用具リスト、123

Notes for Paratriathlon LOCs, 85 パラトライアスロンLOCの注意事項(ITU-EOM; Part D:85頁)


17. PARATRIATHLON: 17.パラトライアスロン:
17.1. General: 17.1.一般:
a.) Paratriathlon, as per the ITU Constitution, is governed by the ITU Competition Rules.
This section contains the rules which affects only paratriathlon.


17.2. Paratriathlon Categories:
a.) ITU Paratriathlon Categories shall be established based on physical disabilities. Please refer to the ITU Paratriathlon Classification Rules and Regulations for eligible impairments. Medical evidence shall be required for classification.
ITU パラトライアスロン競技カテゴリーは身体障害に基づいて定められる。各障害の資格については、ITU パラトライアスロン・クラシフィケーション(クラス分け)ルールと規則を参照する。資格分類では医学的な証拠が求められる。

b.) The seven categories are as follows:
b.) 7区分は次のとおり。
(i) TRI 1 - Wheelchair user: Includes Paraplegic, Quadriplegic, Polio, Double Leg
Amputee and disabilities that prevent the safe use of a conventional bicycle.
Must use handcycle on bike course and racing wheelchair on the run;
Profiles, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,17a,18a,19
b.)トライ1 - 車椅子の利用者:半身不随、四肢麻痺、ポリオ、両脚切断者と、従来型の自転車を安全に利用できない障害を含む。バイクコースでは「ハンドサイクル」(17.12 条に記載)、ランでは「競技用車椅子」(17.13条に記載)の利用が義務付けられる。プロファイル4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,17a,18a,19プロファイル詳細)
ITU Paratriathlon Classification and Regulations

(ii) TRI 2 - Severe leg impairment, including above knee amputees. Must ride bicycle and may run with above knee prosthesis or run using crutches;
Profiles 19
トライ 2 - 膝上切断を含む重度の脚の障害:自転車でバイク競技を行い、膝上の義足かクラッチ(松葉づえ)を利用してラン競技を行わなければならない。プロファイル19

(iii) TRI 3 - Les Autres: Includes athletes with Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, double leg amputee or paralysis in multiple limbs. Must ride a bicycle and run. May use braces or prosthesis; Profiles 12a,12b,13,14,15,17b,18b,20,25,26a,26b,27,28,31,32
(iii)トライ - 3  その他の身体障害:多発性硬化症、筋ジストロフィー、脳性まひ、両脚切断や多発性の四肢の麻痺を含む。自転車かトライサイクルを使ってバイク競技を、通常にラン競技を行わなければならない。支持具や義肢を使ってもよい。プロファイル 12a,12b,13,14,15,17b,18b,20,25,26a,26b,27,28,31,32

(iv) TRI 4 - Arm impairment: Includes paralysis, above elbow amputees and below elbow amputees, or impairment in both upper limbs. Must ride a bike. May use prosthesis, brace or sling on the bike and/or run;
Profiles 16,21,22,24,29
(iv)トライ4 - 腕の機能障害:麻痺、肘上の切断と肘下の切断、両腕の障害を含む。バイク競技とラン競技の一方または両方で、義手、支持具やつり紐(ひも)を使ってもよい。プロファイル 16,21,22,24,29

(v) TRI 5 - Moderate leg impairment: Includes below-knee amputees. Must ride a bicycle and may run with orthosis or prosthesis or crutches; The use of both prosthesis and crutches at the same is not allowed. Athletes with no amputation are not allowed the use of a prosthesis
(v)トライ5 - 中程度の脚の障害:膝下切断を含む。自転車でバイク競技を行わなければならず、ラン競技では補装具か義足、またはクラッチ(松葉づえ)を使ってもよい。義足と松葉づえ両方の同時使用は許可されない。脚の切断・喪失がない選手の義足使用は許可されない。

(vi) Profile 23 TRI 6a - Total visual Impairment (IBSA/IPC B1): Includes athletes who are totally blind. From no light perception in either eye, to some light perception but unable to recognise the shape of a hand at any distance or in any direction. One guide from same gender is mandatory throughout the race.
Profiles 36 - IBSA/IPC B1
(vi)トライ6a - 完全な視覚障害(IBSA/IPC B1):全盲の選手を含む。両目ともに光覚がない、光覚があってもいずれの距離・方向からも手の形を認識することができない。同性のガイド 1 名がレース全体を通じて伴走しなければならない。プロファイル 36 - IBSA/IPC B1

(vii) TRI6b Partial visual impairment(IBSA/IPC B2 and B3): Partially sighted athletes.Includes a visual acuity of less than 6/60 vision or visual field less than 20 degrees with best corrective vision. One guide of the same gender is mandatory throughout the race. Profiles 37a,37b - IBSA/IPC B2,B3
- 部分的な視覚障害(IBSA/IPC B2 and B3):部分的な視力を持つ選手。最大補正後視力が 6/60 以下の視力か、20度以内の視野を持つ。同性のガイド1名がレース全体を通じて伴走しなければならない。プロファイル 37a, 37b - IBSA/IPC B2,B3


1.2. Competition rules1. 2.競技ルール
LOCs should familiarize themselves with Section P of the ITU Competition Rules.


1.3. Classification 1.3.クラシフィケーション(クラス分け)
a) Continental and world championships require an official classifier to classify athletes into proper categories TRl1 through TRI6.The classifier should have IPC (International Paralympics) experience. Classification should be completed using the latest classification manual.

b) Local Organising Committee (LOC) Responsibilities b)主催地組織委員会(LOC)の責任
After the closing date of entries, the LOC shall send to the International Triathlon Union office a list of all athletes, their National Federation, listed Profile Number and the Class(category) in which they are entered. The list will be checked and returned to the LOC, verifying those that are classified and a list of those that need to be classified, or re-examined.

The LOC is responsible to schedule all necessary paratriathlete classifications to take place before the start of competition. Thirty (30) minute periods should be designated for each appointment, with adequate meal times and breaks scheduled for the classifiers. Athletes shall be sent the date and time of their scheduled classification appointment prior to the event, or immediately upon their arrival at the competition.

A clean, private examination room shall be made available for all classification appointments. The room shall be equipped with an examination bed with a pillow, 2 or chairs, a table, drinking water and a towel. The area shall be large enough to accommodate the Classifiers, the athlete and the athlete's representative.

An appropriate waiting area shall be provided near the examination room.

The Classifiers shall be assigned an Administrative Assistant. In addition to administrative duties, such as photocopying, the Administrative Assistant shall ensure that athletes arrive for their scheduled appointments and communicate with team managers if necessary, convey classification results to the LOC as soon as possible, and arrange for athletes to be assessed on their tricycle, bike or handcycle, if required by the Classifiers.

A private area is to be provided near the competition area for the classifiers (including the host nation's own classifiers who wish to be present) to observe the athletes and discuss their classification without being overheard.

c) Classifiers'Expenses c)クラシファイアの経費
The LOC must undertake to meet all expenses incurred by Classifiers, either by providing the facilities or by paying all their relevant costs.

The expenses must cover return travel from the Classifier's home to the competition venue, accommodation and subsistence at the venue to a reasonable standard, and any other essential expenses.

Accommodation should be provided for the classifiers away from the paratriathletes, if possible, and preferably near the Technical Delegates.


1.4 Handlers 1.4ハンドラー
a) "Handlers" are to be allotted as follows:
One (1) handler for categories TRI 2, TRI 3, TRI 4, and TRI 5;
Up to two (2) handlers for category TRI 1;
No handlers for category TRI 6 (Guides may act as handler for this category).

b)The LOC should have available a minimum of 6 persons, above the age of 18, who can be allocated to an athlete as personal handler, after the Referee's approval. These persons shall be assigned to a specific athlete during the paratriathletes' briefing.

c)At swim exit area, the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) shall provide a minimum of six (6) "swim exit handlers", who will be responsible for assisting the paratriathletes from the swim exit to the "wetsuit removal area". The final number of "swim exit handlers" shall be determined by the Technical Delegate. Only these persons will be allowed to enter this area. Their training should be supervised by the Technical Delegate.

1.5 Registration and Accreditation 1.5登録と認定
a)Prior to registration, paratriathletes should complete a classification process to ensure athletes meet the 15% minimum disability category and to ensure athletes are registered in the proper category.
b)Registration and accreditation distribution will take place prior to the Paratriathletes'briefing.
c)All guides and handlers must be registered at the briefing
d)Credentials must be distributed to the registered paratriathletes' handlers.
e)Tickets for opening and closing (medal) ceremonies are also to be included for handlers.
f)Paratriathletes' race package should include: race bib number (a bib with the word <Guide> for the TRI6 athletes'guides), 3 race sticker numbers for the helmet, 1 race sticker number for the bike, 4 safety pins, timing chip, accreditation pass, athletes'guide, ticket for all the social functions for the athletes and the personal handlers. LOC gifts may be distributed at the same time.

g) Paratriathletes will receive their swim cup during the registration:
Red colour: Competitor needs to be lifted from the swim exit to the wetsuit removal area.
Blue colour: Competitor needs to be supported to walk/run from the swim exit to the wetsuit removal area.
White colour: Competitor does not need any assistance at the swim exit.


1.6. Briefing 1.6.ブリーフィング
a) The Paratriathletes' briefing is compulsory for all the athletes
b) Following to the paratriathletes' briefing, a handlers' meeting shall be conducted
c) The briefing room should be wheel chair accessible.


1.7. Course considerations 1.7.コースの考慮事項
a) Swim course a)スイムコース
Athletes need to be given adequate swim warm up time with clear instructions on the time frame for this
The minimum depth of water at any point on the course should be 1 meter.
Paratriathletes will start using a deep water start.
In the case of a multiple loop swim, the entire swim portion of the event will be in the water. At no point other than the final exit from the swim will paratriathletes be required to exit the water (and then re-enter the water).
Wetsuits are permitted regardless of temperature using the athlete's discretion.

b) Swim to bike transitional wetsuit removal area

Consideration needs to be given as to how athletes will move from the swim exit to the bike transition areas. Adaptation may be necessary to eliminate stairs or steep ramps not accessible by wheelchairs. In the case where a steep ramp is used to travel over a roadway; traffic may be required to stop for periods of time to allow paratriathletes the ability to get from the swim exit to the bike transition.

Swim Exit area should be managed only by the trained Swim Exit Handlers

A wetsuit removal area shall be planned with adequate space for facilitating the personal handlers, the athletes'daily wheelchairs and the medical personnel. Several chairs are also required at this area to assist athletes to don their prosthesis. This area must be secured

c) Transition area c)トランジションエリア
The transition area should be assigned to keep the distance from swim exit to transition no longer than necessary.

A distinct area within the transition area is required for paratriathletes. The required space per physically challenged athlete should be approximately two metres per athlete. This space will facilitate placement of both wheelchairs and hand cycles for TRII athletes; as well this space will facilitate additional equipment required for categories TRl2 through TRI6. One chair is to be provided for each paratriathlete within their designated transition space. Chairs are to be provided for all paratriathlon categories.

Inside the transition zone all paratriathletes shall be in the same area. TRI 6 athletes should be positioned closer to the transition zone entrance from swim exit and the tri1 athletes closer to the transition zone exit. All athletes within a category should be grouped together within the transition area.

d) Bike course d)バイクコース
Paratriathlon competitions are non-drafting events

No bike course shall have a maximum gradient of over 12% at the steepest section.
バイクコースは最大勾配部分で12 %以上の勾配があってはならない。

e) Run course e)ランコース
The run course must be fully wheelchair accessible. All steps must be eliminated. Lf there are any curbs on the run course, ramps are required to be placed over curbs to overcome the obstacle. Trail type run courses are not suitable. If a portion of the run course is a trail run an alternate run course for paratriathletes may be necessary.

Ensure the run course is wide enough in all sections to allow a wheelchair athlete and another athlete space to pass each other.


1.8. Approximate course times for logistics
a) Sprint Distance triathlon (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
a)スプリントディスタンス・トライアスロン(750mスイム、 20kmバイク、 5kmラン)
First swimmer 10min 先頭スイマー10分
Last swimmer 25min 最終スイマー25分
First cyclist 45min 先頭サイクリスト45分
Last cyclist 1h 15min 最終サイクリスト1時間15分
First runner 1h 05min 先頭ランナー 1時間05分
Last runner 2h 最終ランナー2時間
(Times are accumulative; therefore runner times are finish times)
As a guideline, athletes should be able to complete a sprint distance course in less than 2 hours.
However given the course difficulty, weather conditions and the athlete; a course may need to be kept open longer than four hours.


1.9. Timing 1.9.タイミング
If a separate paratriathlon transition area is required to be moved outside of the general transition area, every consideration must be given to try to accommodate complete timing for paratriathletes(eg. swim, bike, run and transition splits).
一般のトランジションの外にパラトライアスロン用トランジションを設ける場合、すべての考慮事項は、 パラトライアスロン選手の完全な競技計測に適応しなければならない(例えばスイム、バイク、ラン、トランジションのスプリット)。


1.10. Medals 1.10.メダル
There are six categories in each of the male and female divisions. This will result in the potential of 12 gold medals, 12 silver medals and 12 bronze medals. Medals will be awarded up to third place in each category for each of male and female divisions. The ITU in conjunction with the LOC need to ensure enough medals are available for presentation ceremonies.
男女の各部門で6カテゴリーがある。これにより、金メダル12個、 銀メダル12個、銅メダル12個が必要となる。メダルは男女の各部門の各カテゴリーで3位までに授与される。 ITUは、LOCと連携して十分なメダルが表彰式で使用できるよう確認する。
If a stage is to be used for medal ceremonies, ensure a ramp is provided for access by wheelchair athletes.


2. Notes for Winter Triathlon LOCs 2.ウィンタートライアスロンLOCの注意事項
2.1. General conditions: 2.1.一般的条件:
a) Winter Triathlon Competitions are held under ITU Competition Rules.

b)Where the ITU Competition Rules do not specify, the rules of IAAF (Cross Country Run section),UCI (Mountain Bike section), and FIS (Cross Country Ski section) should apply in their specific segment.
i) Variation to the existing rules of these International Federations is always put in writing in ITU Winter Triathlon Competition Rules.

ii) These rules are to be taken into consideration for the organization of the ITU events.


2.2. Courses: 2.2.コース:
a)The layout of the different courses must allow safe, fair and fast competition.
b)Spectators and media friendly are the other requirements for their design.
c)The different tracks must be packed and groomed to offer the best racing conditions.
d)Hills and descents must not be so steep that they prevent safety, on foot, MTB or X country skis.


2.3. Pre-race procedure: 2.3.レース前の手順:
a)Race briefing has to be held 1 day prior to the first competition. Space has to be available for the
athletes, coaches and officials.
b)Opening ceremony, pasta party, awards ceremony and banquet can be organized for the
athletes, coaches and officials.

c)Race package has to be given to the athletes prior to the Race briefing, included (besides listed in the ITU Competition Rules):
i) Race numbers (numbers for the front and back body). i)レースナンバー(身体の前面と背面用のナンバー)
ii) Bike number for the MTB. ii)MTB用バイクナンバー。
iii) Two stickers for the skies. iii)スキー用ステッカー2枚。


2.4.Transition Area: 2.4.トランジションエリア:
a)The general guidance to build this area is to allow safe and fast transition, is listed in Section 3 of this manual.
b)The bike and skis racks may be placed in distinct areas.
c)Bike and skis racks must allow minimum 1 meter per competitor.

d)Lowest race numbers closest to the exit.
d) 最小レースナンバーは出口に最も近い所に。
e)In the case of no skis racks are available, a hole is drilled for each competitor's skis to hold vertical.
f)Carpet should be used to facilitate flows.
g)Locker rooms and shelter must be available close to TA.
h)A coaching area is organized to allow coaching without interfering with race progress.


2.5.Starting area: 2.5.スターティングエリア:
a)A vertical structure bearing the sponsors brands should delimitate the start line.
b)The starting area must be designed to offer space for all competitors.
c)A line is drawn on the snow with water-soluble coloring material.
d)A shelter should be available near to the starting line.

2.6.Running: 2.6.ランニング:
a)The running segment is held on snow.
b)Spike shoes are allowed.
c)No motorized traffic besides officials and safety is authorized on the course.
d)Directional signage is available at man's height.


2.7.Mountain Bike: 2.7.マウンテンバイク:
a)The Mountain bike section is held on snow, on a draft legal lapping format.

b)No motorized traffic besides officials and safety is authorized on the course.

c)Directional signage is available at man's height.
d)Hot drinks should be available at aid stations.


2.8. Cross country ski:  2.8.クロスカントリースキー:
a) The cross-country track allows all styles.
b) Classic style may be mandatory in some designated areas, such as Starting area, Finish. In this case the tracks must be prepared accordingly.
c) Over passing must be easy for any competitor at all times.
d) No motorized traffic besides officials and safety is authorized on the course.
e) Directional signage is available at man's height.
f) Hot drinks should be available at aid stations.
g) Personal drinks and food may be given at designated aid stations (coaches' zones) by accredited coaches.


2.9. Finish: 2.9.フィニッシュ:
a) The finish straight must be at least 60m and allow sprint for several competitors. Classic style may be mandatory.
b)The finish lane is hard fenced.
c)Spectators' stands may be available.
d)A finish gantry or vertical advertisement structure is mandatory.
e)Medical area and recovery area are in the very proximity and heated.
f)Hot drinks and blankets for all competitors are available in the finish area before entering the mixed zone.

2.10. Transition area, Anti doping rooms, Press center, Officials rooms should be within 100m from finish:

a) Protected areas are organized within the finish zone for:
i) Paramedics, first aid )救急、応急処置
ii) Time Keeper ii)タイムキーパー
iii) VIPS iii)ブイアイピー(VIPS)

3. Notes for Cross Triathlon LOCs
3.1. General conditions: 3.1.一般条件:
a) Cross Triathlon Competitions are held under ITU Competition Rules.
b) Where the ITU Competition Rules do not specify, the rules of FlNA (Swimming section), IAAF(Cross Country Run section), UCI (Mountain Bike section) should apply in their specific segment
i) Variation to the exiting (訳注:existing) rules of these International Federations is always put in writing in ITU Cross Triathlon and Cross Duathlon Competition Rules.
ii) These rules are to be taken into consideration for the organization of the ITU events.


3.2. Courses: 3.2.コース:
a) The layout of the different courses must allow safe, fair and fast competition.
b) Spectator and media friendly design should be taken into consideration.
c) Hills and descents must not be so steep that they prevent safety, on foot or MTB.


3.3. Pre-race procedure: 3.3.レース前の手順:
a) Race briefing has to be held 1 day prior to the first competition. Space has to be available for the athletes, coaches and officials.

b) Opening ceremony, pasta party, awards ceremony and banquet can be organized for the athletes, coaches and officials.
c) Race package has to be given to the athletes prior to the Race briefing, included (besides listed in the ITU Competition Rules):
i) Race numbers (numbers for the front body).
ii) Bike number for the MTB.


3.4. Transition Area: 3.4.トランジションエリア:
a) The general guidance to build this area is to allow safe and fast transition, is listed in Section 3 of this document.
b)Bike racks must allow minimum 1 meter per competitor.
c)Lowest race numbers closest to the exit.
d)Carpet should be used to facilitate flows.
e)Locker rooms and shelter must be available close to TA.
f)A coaching area is organized to allow coaching without interfering with race progress.


3.5. Starting area and Swim course: 3.5.スタートエリアとスイムコース:
a) See Section 3. a)セクション3を参照。


3.6. Mountain Bike: 3.6.マウンテンバイク:
a) Start and finish should be in the same area. A lap shall be no more than 10 km long.
b) The course for a cross-country race should include, where possible, forest roads and tracks, fields, earth or gravel paths and significant amounts of climbing and descending. Paved tarred/asphalt roads should not exceed 15% of the total course.
c) The course must be wholly ride-able regardless of the terrain and weather conditions.
d) The course must be free of all significant obstacles except those which have been expressly included or about which the riders have been warned. There must not be any obstacles which might cause a crash or a collision in the transition zones.

e) No motorized traffic besides officials and safety is authorized on the course.
f) Directional signage must be provided at man's height.


3.7. Running: 3.7.ラン二ング:
a) The course for a cross-country race should include, where possible, forest roads and tracks, fields, earth or gravel paths and include significant amounts of climbing and descending. Paved tarred/asphalt roads should not exceed 15% of the total course.

b) Spike shoes are allowed
c) No motorized traffic besides officials and safety is authorized on the course.
d) Directional signage must be provided at man's height.


3.8. Finish: 3.8.フニッシュ:
a) The finish straight must be at least 60m and allow sprint for several competitors.


4. Construction plan (sample) 4.設営計画(サンプル)
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」93頁


5. Detailed activities schedule (sample)-(venue operations, technical operations)
5.詳細活動計画(サンプル) - (会場運営、技術的運営)
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」94-95頁


6. Budget template 6.予算テンプレート
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」96-101頁

7.Critical path sample (operation) 7.クリティカルパスサンプル:重要手順の実例(運営)
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」102-103頁


8. Marine operations plan 8.マリン運営計画
(Olympic Games level competitions) (オリンピックレベル大会)
8.1. Introduction 8.1.はじめに
This plan describes in detail the swim course configuration, personnel, equipment, movements by personnel (boat, lifeguard, scuba) and other issues relevant to the operations of the Triathlon swim course (FOP), including the framework in which all functional areas (FA's) involved will operate. It has been applied to an ideal competition.

a) Competition schedule  a)競技日程
The competition schedule is the following: 競技日程は次のとおり:
Women's race 女子レース
Start: 10:00 Race venue スタート:10時レース会場
Women's final 女子ファイナル

Men's race 男子レース
Start: 13:30 Race venue スタート:13時30分レース会場
Men's final 男子ファイナル

b) Course familiarization  b)コース・ファミリアライゼーション(コース試泳)
Familiarization Sessions are designed to allow all teams to conduct an "on the field of play" practice on the competition field:

For the swim course the following sessions are planned:
- Day 1: 14:00- 17:00 Swim course training
-1日目: 14:00 - 17:00スイムコース・トレーニング
- Day 2: 14:00- 17:00 Swim course training
-2日目: 14:00 - 17:00スイムコース・トレーニング
- Day 3: 17:00 - 20:00 Swim course training
- 3日目:17:00 - 20:00スイムコース・トレーニング
- Day 4: 07:30 -10:30 Swim course familiarization
- 4日目:07:30 -10:30スイムコース試泳
- Day 5: 07:30 -10:30 Full rehearsal
- 5日目:07:30 -10:30フルリハーサル
- Day 6: 07:30 -10:30 Swim course familiarization
- 6日目:07:30 -10:30スイムコース試泳
- Day 7: 14:00 -17:00 General training
- 7日目: 14時00分?17:00総合トレーニング


8.2. Staff Planning 8.2.スタッフ・プランニング
a) Triathlon staff a)トライアスロン・スタッフ
For the design, creation, operation and organisation of the triathlon swim course, the LOC have included in its plan a team who will operate under the directions of the field of play (FOP) coordinator. The technical operations manager will also manage this team, where operations involve technical issues. The organisational plan (structure) of this team is:

b) Swim course supervisor b)スイムコース・スーパーバイザー(責任者)
The Swim course Supervisor is to ensure the following:
Everything is in place according to ITU regulations;
Supervise the lifeguards and scuba divers;
Work together with ITU technical officials, medical services, doping control, sport presentation and the media;
Attend all briefings as required;

Inform staff about any problems;
All staff have a copy of the event program and start lists;
Collect all equipment and supervise set up on FOP;
すべての用具を集め、 FOPでの設置を監督する;
Assist with escorting athletes (onto the pontoon, exiting swim);
All barriers are in their correct position;
All buoys, markers, the pontoon is safe, stable and in position;

Only accredited persons are inside the FOP;
Team managers and media remain in their appropriate positions;
Pontoon is marked 1 → 80 for athlete starting positions; with a pre-start line starting with one from the right facing the first turn buoy;
Confirm with TD the official measurement for each section of the swim course and total distance is accurate;

FOP clear for race start;
Report to the FOP coordinator prior to announcement of athletes to the pontoon;
Contact FOP coordinator in event of emergency;
All equipment signed for (received) is returned; and
Provide a post-race (written) report to the FOP coordinator.

c) Boats and their drivers c)ボートとドライバー(運転者・操縦者)
Five (5) surf boats (inflatable) will be available. The boat drivers must be aware of the rules concerning proximity to the athletes in the water (expected instruction from ITU technical official). The boats will be used as follows:

BOAT CREW ボートクルー
1 Driver (swim team leader), 1 technical official1
Driver,1 lifeguard ドライバー、ライフガード1名
Driver, 1 technical official ドライバー、審判員1名
Driver, 1 technical official ドライバー、審判員1名
U1-BWN Driver, 1 medical staff, 1 lifeguard

d) Lifeguards d)ライフガード
Ten (10) lifeguards will attend the event to assist in controlling safety and direction on the Swim course (FOP).

The lifeguards are to ensure the following:
In case of a false start carefully stop the athletes;
Athletes round the turn buoys without cutting the course and without endangering themselves underneath the turn buoys; and
In the event of an emergency, the chief lifeguard becomes the swim coordinator and controls the FOP. All personnel on the FOP must follow the directions of the chief lifeguard.

e) Scuba divers e)スキューバダイバー
A team of six scuba divers will be on the FOP to ensure safety of the athletes from under the surface, as well as to perform a final check of the turning buoys and markers pre-race.
The scuba diving team are to ensure the following:
Calculate exact locations for the anchors holding the buoys;

Set up the buoys;
Work underwater for the set up of the anchors;
Remove anchors and buoys after the events; and
During the events work underwater and ensure athlete safety.

f) Jet ski drivers f)ジェットスキードライバー
A team of three jet ski drivers will be on the FOP to ensure the safety of the athletes. The jet skis will carry rescue sleds and they will interfere in case of an emergency.

g) Swim course team leader g)スイムコース・チームリーダー
The swim team leader is to ensure the following:
Confirm boat crews;
Be on the FOP during the events (swim). The team leader will be the eyes and ears for the swim supervisor;
The FOP is clean (boats adhere to the rules);
Work together with ITU technical officials, scuba diving team, lifeguards and the media;
Appoint a chief lifeguard;
Check if boats require fuel;
Confirm entry of the 10 lifeguards on the FOP;
Check entire FOP for hazards, marine life etc;

Water depth at the dive start is sufficient (minimum ~1.6m);
Scuba diving team approve positions of turn buoys;
Lifeguards in position for possible false start;
Ensure all operations stay close to the FOP, as security will be in place 50m or further from the FOP;
セキュリティはFOPから50メートルより遠くに位置し、すべてのオペレーションが FOP近くにあることを確実にする。;
Provide any final instructions to lifeguards as required;
Brief boat drivers on how to act on the FOP. Any crew member wishing otherwise the driver must contact swim supervisor for approval (of movement);
After final athlete exits the water coordinate sweep of the FOP; and
Liaise with scuba diving team and lifeguards and provide a report to the FOP coordinator.
Advise the swim supervisor of reporting items.


8.3. Familiarizations & competition schedule
Various staff, volunteers and other personnel will be involved in the following schedule subject to change. These times are only a suggestion but the amount of time devoted to each activity should be adhered to.
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」106-107頁


8.4. Communication 8.4.通信
Swim course staff will cover its communication needs through the FOP channel. The distribution of the radios (all on TR_FOP channel) will be as follow:

- 1 radio to the FOP coordinator; - FOPコーディネーターに無線1;
- 1 radio to the technical operations manager; - テクニカルオペレーションマネージャーに無線1;
- 1 radio to the swim supervisor; - スイムスーパーバイザーに無線1;
- 1 radio to the swim team leader; - スイムチーム・リーダーに無線1;
- 1 radio to each technical official; and- 各審判員に無線1。さらに、
- 1 radio for each boat driver.- 各ボートのドライバーに無線1。

8.5. Accreditation 8.5.認定・登録
a) General a)一般
There will be a time with the swim course will be in lockdown and no non-event boats will be allowed to enter.

b) Procedure b)手順
The Event Organiser will put the accreditation on these boats (flag-number), recognized as
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」107-108頁

Only these accredited boats and jet skis listed are permitted to move within the secured perimeter during familiarisation, and competition hours.


8.6. Set up of FOP
8.6. FOP(競技コース)設営
The director of operations and swim course coordinator will commence measurement of the course using instruments of accuracy. They will make depth, distance and accuracy measurements. The TD will work with the director of operations to make sure that everything must be in place by a set date. The swim course team will place warning lamps on the signals during the whole period that the signals and the buoys remain in the water. For the setup of each buoy they will use sand anchors connected with the buoys by chain and elastic rope, for best stability. Under each buoy lead weights will be placed for best floatation. A platform will be used in the water to transport and install equipment.


8.7. Operation plan 8.7.運営計画
The swim team leader will be on the FOP, in the same boat with a technical official. The swim coordinator will remain on the pontoon during the competition, assisting with the control of all movement on the swim course.

a) Check-in, meeting point and embarkation Check section 6.3
a)チェックイン、ミーティングポイントと乗船 セクション6.3をチェックする。
b) Leaving of the pontoon
Photographers willing to be on a boat:

Women's competition
Photographers on board:
Exit from the boat prior to the end of the first lap:
Exit from the boat after the end of the swim leg:

Men's competition
Photographers on board: カメラマンは乗船中:
Exit from the boat prior to the end of the first lap:
Exit from the boat after the end of the swim leg:

c) Location of boats before the start
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」109頁

d) Location of paddle boards/canoes before the start
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」109頁

e) Location of scuba divers before the start
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」109頁

f) Location of jet ski before the start
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」109頁

g) Movement in case of a false start g)不正スタート時のムーブメント(動き)
If a false start is signaled by the race referee with repeated sounds of the start horn, the 4 paddle boards 30m from the start will move to a line in front of the athletes, with all boards side on.

Lifeguards will prevent the athletes from moving past this line without creating harm. If any athletes appear to be not stopping, lifeguards must approach from side on, not front on.

When returning to the pontoon start, athletes must move to the end of the pontoon closest to the shore, where steps are located. Athletes will return to their start positions under instruction from the ITU technical officials.

h) Movement during the race
Craft/personnel on the swim course will observe the following movement patterns:
図解「ITU-EOM, Part D」110頁

All boats must move inside the FOP with minimum speed;
Boats must ensure a minimum distance of 10m from the athletes;

Paddle boards/canoes following the field must remain between the boats and the athletes, ensuring where the TV boats travel not to obstruct TV/camera footage;
Paddle boards/canoes on turns or markers must have the nose of the board pointing in towards the buoy and ensure athletes are not swimming behind or into paddle craft;

Paddle boards/canoes will not lead athletes at any stage of the race. They must remain on the side of athletes unless emergency circumstances determine otherwise;

Any boats (other than boat 1) wishing to cross sides of the FOP can only do so from behind boat 1 and with permission from the swim coordinator;

Boats 6 and 8 must turn inside the turn buoys and not impede the 20m restriction zone (between any athletes and boat). Paddle boards/canoes will be 10m from the athletes, boats will be 10m from the paddle boards/canoes; and

For the second lap, boats 1,6,8 and the canoes/paddle boards 1,2,3 can move with the athletes until the red mark buoy of the last leg and then can move around the pontoon and follow the athletes again, following the same route with minimum speed.

i) Movement in case of emergency
In case of an emergency, the only boats which should be near the area, are medical (5), rescue jet ski and ITU (1). All other boats must move away (or follow the directions of the CL). The jet skis will be chosen to carry the athletes outside the FOP. Any boat/jet ski which renders assistance to any athlete under emergency circumstances will then proceed to the rescue area, on the left hand side of the venue where the ambulance has access.

j) Movement in case of mechanical problems
If a boat is to experience mechanical failure during the competition, it must be anchored immediately. In the event the boat with mechanical failure is the medical team or lifeguard team, a transfer of personnel between boats must be managed by the swim team leader.

k) Movement after the end of the swim course
The red marker on the last leg of the swim course, closest to the pontoon on return to shore, signals the end of any boat, paddle board/canoes or scuba movements. Any boats or board paddlers reaching this point must ensure the last athlete has passed, before coming to the pontoon.
Personnel remaining in position during the competition, must do so until signaled to move via radio or whistle from swim team leader (boat 1). All boats, all paddle board/canoes lifeguards, jet skis and scuba divers will return to the area behind the VIP lounge.


8.8. Swim Course Staff Education
This procedure includes 3 parts, the specific theoretical education of volunteers, the training of swim course staff, the familiarization of the swim course staff and the simulation.
a) Theoretical education
The theoretical education will be specific education of the sport's volunteers. All of the paid staff will give to the volunteers their specific directives and they will interpret their competences precisely for them.

b) Practice
There will be a number of training sessions for the swim personnel. The following issues will be discussed:
Movements of boats for the embarkation of all the clients; 全クライアントの乗船でのボートの動き;
Location of all staff just before the start; スタート直前の全スタッフの位置;
- Movements in case of a false start; - 不正スタート時の動き;
Movements at the duration of the race; レース開催中の動き;
Movements in case of emergency; 緊急時の動き;
Communication with radios; and 無線での連絡。さらに、
- Movements afterwards the end of the swim course.- スイムコース終了後の動き。

c) Familiarisation and Simulation
During swim course familiarization and venue simulation where all staff can practice on the FOP,
the following working inside the swim course in the following subjects:
Movements of boats for the embarkation of all the clients; 全クライアントの乗船でのボートの動き;
Location of all staff just before the start; スタート直前の全スタッフの位置;
Movements in case of a false start; 不正スタート時の動き;
Movements at the duration of the race; レース開催中の動き;
Movements in case of emergency; 緊急時の動き;
Communication with radios; and 無線でのコミュニケーション、そして
Movements afterwards the end of the swim course. スイムコースの動きはその後終了。
The familiarization will take place with the help of athletes, who will simulate their positions in all of these subjects.


8.9. Availability of staff 
The tide which exists in the swim area may create problems to the set up of the equipment. Accordingly, sport will have a number of staff available on a daily basis to assist with monitoring the equipment. After the closing hours of the venue, staff will be present on the venue in 30 minute maximum shifts from the alert call, when their assistance is expected.


8.10. Pack up of FOP
8.10. FOP(競技場)の撤収
Immediately following the medal ceremonies of the men's event, sport will commence the pack up of the FOP, including all swim course equipment. This operation must be finished by the end of the day. Concerning the swim course, the swim course coordinator, the swim course team leader and the divers will remove all the equipment. All of these equipment items will be brought to sport equipment containers, where the sport equipment coordinator will collect them.


8.11. Swim area cleaning
Primary responsibility for cleaning the swim area rests with the contractor of the clean and waste (CLW) functional area. Eight boats will be on side from sports’ side, which can act in case of pollution. All staff and contractors will be requested to assist CLW by avoiding littering the area. In the event of any jelly fish or other marine life potentially causing unrest or danger with the athletes, CLW will be requested to enter the secured perimeter by sport through security to remove.


8.12. Contingency plans 
The principle strategy to deal with problems such as weather, pollution, protest, etc. is delay or postponement of competition. If a serious problem does occur, it is most probable the requirement for the marine facilities will be extended. All contractors and authorities should have plans to extend the period of operation for up to 4 hours on competition day, including the possible rescheduling of the competition to another day.
Reports are received daily from the meteorological department. This information, including direct from local weather station, assists with preparation.


9. Run course measurement manual ランコース計測マニュアル
(ITU EOM Part D、113頁〜122頁)◎簡易訳ナシ


10. Sport equipment list  10.スポーツ用品一覧
(ITU EOM Part D、123頁〜127頁)◎簡易訳ナシ


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