INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON UNION Event Organisers’ Manual (EOM) Part C: Technical Operations
国際トライアスロン連合(ITU)イベント主催者マニュアル( EOM )パートC:テクニカルオペレーション
1 General1一般
2 Swim Course2スイムコース
2.1 Swim Course Layout 2.1スイムコースレイアウト
2.2 Swim Course Equipment 2.2スイムコース機器
2.3 Swim Course Personnel 2.3スイムコース要員
2.4 Swim Course Procedures 2.4スイムコース手順
3 Transition Area 3トランジションエリア
3.1 Transition Layout 3.1トランジション・レイアウト
3.2 Transition Area Equipment 3.2トランジションエリア機器
3.3 Transition Area Personnel 3.3トランジションエリア要員
3.4 Transition Area Procedures 3.4トランジションエリア手順
4 Bike Course Design Specifications 4バイクコース設計仕様
4.1 Bike Course Layout 4.1バイクコース・レイアウト
4.2 Bike Course Equipment 4.2バイクコース機器
4.3 Bike Course Personnel 4.3バイクコース要員
4.4 Bike Course Procedures 4.4バイクコース手順
4.5 Bike Course's Aid Station (only for Long Distance events)
5 Bike Course Penalty Box (for draft illegal events)
5.1 Penalty Box Layout 5.1ペナルティボックス・レイアウト
5.2 Penalty Box Equipment 5.2ペナルティボックス機器
5.3 Penalty Box Personnel 5.3ペナルティボックス要員
5.4 Penalty Box Procedures 5.4ペナルティ手順
6 Wheel Station 6ホイールステーション
6.1 Wheel Station Layout6.1ホイールステーション・レイアウト
6.2 Wheel Station Equipments 6.2ホイールステーション機器
6.3 Wheel Station Personnel 6.3ホイールステーション要員
6.4 Wheel Station Procedures 6.4ホイールステーション手順
7 Lap Counting 7ラップカウント
8 Run Course Design Specifications 8ランコース設計仕様
8.1 Run Course Layout 8.1ランコース・レイアウト
8.2 Run Course Equipments 8.2ランコース機器
8.3 Run Course Personnel 8.3ランコース要員
8.4 Run Course Procedures 8.4ランコース手順
9 Aid Station 9エイドステーション
10 Run Penalty Box (for draft legal events)
10.1 Run Penalty Box Layout
10.2 Run Penalty Box Equipment 10.2ランペナルティボックス機器
10.3 Run Penalty Box Personnel 10.3ランペナルティボックス要員
10.4 Run Penalty Box Procedures 10.4ランペナルティボックス手順
11 Finish Area Design Specifications 11フィニッシュエリア設計仕様
11.1 Finish Area Layout 11.1フィニッシュエリア・レイアウト
11.2 Finish Area Equipment 11.2フィニッシュエリア機器
11.3 Finish Area Personnel 11.3フィニッシュエリア要員
12 Relay Zone 12リレーゾーン
12.1 Relay Zone Layout 12.1リレーゾーン・レイアウト
12.2 Relay Zone Equipment 12.2リレーゾーン機器
12.3 Relay Zone Personnel 12.3リレーゾーン人要員
13 Public Address System 13パブリックアドレス・システム
13.1 High quality public address system
13.2 Approving of Event Announcers
14 Medal Presentation 14メダルプレゼンテーション
14.1 Medal Presentation Layout
14.2 Medal Presentation Equipment
14.3 Medal Presentation Personnel
14.4 Medal Presentation Procedures
15 Athletes Lounge Specifications 15アスリートラウンジ仕様
15.1 Elite athletes requirements 15.1エリートアスリートの要件
15.2 Age-Group athletes requirements
15.3 Elite Uniform check requirements
16 Athletes Briefing 16アスリートブリーフィング
17 Medical Management 17メディカルマネージメント(医療管理)
17.1 General 17.1一般
17.2 Medical Plan 17.2メディカルプラン(医療計画)
17.3 Personnel 17.3要員
17.4 Ambulances and Access 17.4救急車とアクセス
17.5 Hospital 17.5病院
17.6 Medical Records 17.6医療記録
17.7 Race Medical Management 17.7大会医療管理
17.8 Athlete Medical 17.8アスリート医療
17.9 Medical Supplies 17.9医療用品
17.10 Massage Facilities 17.10マッサージ施設
17.11 Spectator Medical 17.11観客メディカル
17.12 Cold Water conditions’preparations 17.12冷水状況での準備
18 Doping Control 18ドーピング・コントロール
18.1 General 18.1一般
18.2 Personnel 18.2要員
18.3 Doping Control 18.3ドーピング・コントロール
19 LOC office 19 主催地オフィス
19.1 General Requirements 19.1一般的な要件
20 SPORT EXPO Facilities 20 スポーツEXPO設備
20.1 General Requirements 20.1一般的な要件
21 Spectator Services 21観客サービス
21.1 General Requirements 21.1一般的な要件
22 Communication Plan 22コミュニケーション計画
22.1 Venue Communication Centre(VCC)
22.2 General Requirements 22.2一般的な要件
22.3 Access 22.3アクセス
22.4 Training 22.4トレーニング
22.5 VCC Staffing and Hours of Operations
22.5 VCC人材と運営時間
22.6 Radio Talk Groups 22.6ラジオトーク(無線)グループ
22.7 Radio Distribution and Retrieval
22.8 Radio Protocol 22.8無線プロトコル
23 Press Centre 23プレスセンター
23.1 General 23.1一般
24 Timing & Results 24タイミングと結果
24.1 General 24.1一般
24.2 Timing requirements 24.2タイミング要件
25 Evacuation Plan 25避難計画
25.1 Introduction 25.1はじめに
25.2 The Venue Description 25.2会場説明
25.3 Communication/ Command Centre 25.3通信/統括センター
25.4 Category of Evacuation 25.4避難カテゴリ
25.5 Urgent Evacuation 25.5緊急避難
25.6 Non-Urgent Evacuation 25.6非緊急避難
25.7 Evacuation Procedures 25.7避難手順
25.8 Evacuation Drawings 25.8避難図面
26 Contingency Plan 26危機管理計画
26.1 Definitions of Delay, Postponement and Cancellation
26.2 Rules on Delay/ Postponement 26.2遅延/延期のルール
26.3 Rescheduling Management
1. General 1.一般
The technical operations section of the EOM combines the duties of the LOC regarding venue and operations. The following phases of a competition will be described in detail to maximise the television and spectator friendly element without compromising the safety and fairness of the competition:
a) Registration a)登録
Athletes; and アスリート;および
Coaches. コーチ
b) Briefings b)ブリーフィング
Athletes; andアスリート(選手:競技者);および
Coaches. コーチ
c) Course familiarisations c)コースファミリアライゼーション(コース試走)
d) Athletes lounge d)アスリートラウンジ
e) Swim course e)スイムコース
f) Transition area f)トランジションエリア
g) Bike Course g)バイクコース
Wheel station; and ホイールステーション;および
Lap counting. ラップカウンティング
h) Run course h)ランコース
Aid station; エイドステーション;
Lap counting; andラップカウント、および
Finish area. フィニッシュエリア
Primes (if applicable) プリム(対応可能であれば)
Sport presentationスポーツ・プレゼンテーション
Medal presentation メダルプレゼンテーション
Venue communication 会場通信
1.2 These phases will be described as: 1.2これらの事項は次のように説明される。
a) Layout a)レイアウト
Procedures 手順
1.3 Besides the course it will feature the transition area and the finish area in a ‘stadium-like’ fashion that will accommodate grandstand seating with large television screens and scoreboards, and it is presented in a manner that showcases an event.
2. Swim Course 2.スイムコース
2.1 Swim course layout 2.1スイムコース・レイアウト
a) The swim starting area will be defined by hard crowd control low fencing providing the athletes with a buffer zone from media and spectators.
b) Media will be provided a zone along the length of the swim start that will be secured from spectators by hard fencing and managed by security personnel or on a perpendicular platform attached to the one end of the platform not blocking the view of the VIPs.
c) A VIP area at least 50 square meters will be provided adjacent to the swim start. It will be secured from spectators by low hard fencing and managed by security personnel. The Media and VIP areas must not overlap.
d) A coaches’ area will be provided for all accredited personnel adjacent to the pre-start area.
This area will be secured by low hard fencing and managed by security personnel.
e) Number and length of laps: e)ラップ(周回)数と距離:
Elite/u23 -1500m - 2 laps (preferably 1000m + 500m);
エリート/u23 - 1500m - 2周(できれば1000m+ 500m);
Junior/age group sprint distance - 750m -1 lap;
ジュニア/エイジグループのスプリント距離 - 750m-1周;
Age group standard distance/paratriathlon -1500m-1lap;
Long distance - 3000m/4000m -1 lap; and
ロングディスタンス - 3000m/4000m -1周;
Team relay - 300m -1 lap.
チームリレー - 300m-1周
f) The swim will be in a counter clockwise, if the TD does not order differently.
g) The turns should be curved and with the angle of the turn never more than 90°.
h) For standard and long distance events, the first turn buoy will be no closer than 350 metres from the start.
i)The swim course minimum depth should be 1,5m
j)The use of warm up area must not interfere with the competition in progress.
k) Medical facilities will be placed adjacent to the swim course.
l) An aid station will be placed adjacent to the swim exit for the age group athletes and paratriathletes.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 40頁
First lap = 1000m 最初のラップ=1000メートル
Second lap = 500m 第二ラップ=500メートル
2.2 Swim course equipments 2.2スイムコース機器
a) Pre start area/call room a)プリスタートエリア/コールルーム(待機部屋)
Lining-up age group athletes in?time, is critical for avoiding any delays on the start times.
A special area has to be prepared in order to facilitate the athletes from 3 waves (around
300) and a fast tracking line for last minute show up. At the end of this area, the timing chip certification should take place; and
図解)ITU-EOM (Part C) 41頁
Timing Check Pointタイミングチェック・ポイント
Fast Tracking Lane緊急用レーン
AG Waiting Areas エイジグループ待機エリア
Start Lineスタートライン
Waves’ Check Points ウェーブ確認ポイント
The elite call room should be equipped with chairs, numbered boxes for leaving the last minute gear and water/refreshments. Ice should be provided in extreme weather conditions.
b) Start area b)スタートエリア
The 3 different types of start areas, in order of preference are:
Solid pontoon: Gives the possibility of a dive start, solid construction.
Floating pontoon: Gives the possibility of a dive start. This pontoon has to be stable enough. Movement more than O,3m in any direction on competition conditions are not acceptable.
Platform beach start: Solid construction with a O,2m elevation on the front edge, which clearly defines the start line.
If there is no possibility of any pontoon the platform beach start is acceptable;
Swim pontoon/platform specifications: measuring minimum 60m x 3m. The design of the swim start line will provide an equal start position for all athletes; and The height of the pontoon is ideally between O,2m and O,5m.
c) Pontoon carpet c)ポンツーンカーペット
The swim platform will be completely covered in ‘blue’ carpet. The carpet should be made from an anti- slippery material.
d) Pontoon markings d)ポンツーンのマーキング
There will be a ‘pre?start line’. This will be a solid white line minimum 5cm in width O,5m from the front edge of the swim platform;
Each athlete will be allowed 0,75m; and
Each athlete position will be numbered from right to left as we are facing the first turn buoy. The numbers must be minimum 20cm in size and white in colour facing the athletes as on the design below.
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e) Swim start system e)スイムスタート・システム
The LOC should prepare and provide an electronic start system for the start. This system should composed by at least 6 horns (22W), 3 metal poles for supporting the horns ,2 car batteries for power, 1 controller with microphone and switch with about 440m wire (for 2 set of circuit) or 220m wire(for 1 set of circuit).The following diagram is based on a 16 horns set up.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 42頁
f) Buoys f)ブイ
The turn buoys are, 1 m in diameter and not less than 2,5m in height. An ’oIympic-style’ banana buoy is preferred; and
ターンブイは、直径1メートルで高さは2,5メートル以上とする。 'オリンピックスタイル'のバナナブイが好ましい。さらに、
Sight Buoys: The number and placement of sight buoys will vary, but will never be placed less than every 50 metres apart.
Banana buoys 5m long x 1m diameters. Fabric air-tights pvc 850-1100 denier, sewing high frequency welding system, multi connection inox for the connections of the buoys, valve irrevocably and should be removable.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 43頁
Turn buoys 2,5m long x 1m diameters. Fabric air-tights pvc 850-1100 denier, sewing high frequency welding system, multi connection inox for the connections ofthe buoys, valve irrevocably and should be removable.
Sight buoys 1,2m long X 0,7m diameter. Fabric air-tights pvc 850-1100 denier, sewing high frequency welding system, multi connection inox for the connections ofthe buoys, valve irrevocably and should be removable.
g) Swim course turning buoy set up: g)スイムコースのターンブイ設定:
The pull-down weight should be over 20 kg. In case of strong wind and relative big waves more weight needed. The weight must be at least 1 meter deep;
The total length of rope (connecting the chain and the pull down weight) and chain should be enough long enough to keep the buoy in its position in case of wind, waves and tide differences;
Wire is forbidden. Usage of carabiner is recommended;
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) Figure-01.44頁
If the turn buoy is not one part (olympic-style) then the separated buoys must be attached; One turning point (three buoys - 2 ‘banana’ and 1 standing buoy) must be stabilized by 7 independent fixing. See figure-O2; The fixing ropes should not disturb the athletes; Use ‘pull down weight’ for the banana and standing buoys; and The banana buoy must point exactly to the following turning point.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) Figure-02. 44頁
h) Swim exit ramp h)スイム出口スロープ(ランプ)
The width will be at least 5m; 幅は、最少5mとする。
The swim exit can be either ramp or steps; スイム出口は、スロープまたはステップ(階段)のいずれかとする。
In case of a ramp, the angle can't be more than 25% and the bottom of the ramp has to be a minimum of 0,6m under the surface of the water;
In case of steps, one step has to be minimum O,4m wide and two steps can't be more than 0,25m apart from each other in height. The first step has to be a minimum of O,6m under the surface of the water;
The exit will be covered in blue anti slippery carpet (swimming pool deck type);
The swim exit should be clearly marked by 2,5m high branded buoys/pillars/columns;
Fresh water showers should be provided for all athletes to run through on the way to the transition area;
There will be an official with a video camera to monitor the swim exit; and
Paratriathlon Requirements: The exit must be paratriathlon accessible.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 45頁
2.3 Swim course personnel 2.3スイムコース担当者
a) Described in the Marine operation plan - games level competitions (see appendix).
Swim course procedures (described also in the Marine operation plan - games level competitions) a)マリン運営プランに明記- ゲームレベル競技(付則参照)。
a) Water quality a)水質
Water quality tests: submit to the ITU:
At the time when the LOC announces the venue (if this takes place at least 15 months before the first competition date); One year prior in the month of the event; Two months before the competition; and
7 days before the competition.
Water quality tolerance limits (Bacterial or viral tests): samples are a mixture of water collected from three different locations on the swim course. Limits are:PH between 6 and 9 Entero-cocci not more than 100 per 100 ml (ufc/100ml) Escherichiacoli E. Coli not more than 250 per 100 ml (ufc/100ml)
水質検査: ITUに提出する。LOCが会場を発表するときに(最初の競技日の少なくとも15カ月前);イベントの一年前に;大会の2カ月前、さらに7日前に検査を行う。
PHは6と9の間、腸球菌は100ml(ufc/100ml)あたり100、大腸菌は100ml当たり250 以上あってはならない(ufc/100ml)。
b) Water temperature b)水温
Water temperature must be taken and posted daily beginning seven days prior to the competition;
Water temperature must be taken and posted/announced one hour prior to the start of the event on competition day;
Water temperature readings must be taken in the middle of the course, and at two other points throughout the course in a depth of 60cm. The lowest measured temperature is the official temperature; and
The decision regarding wetsuit usage will be determined one hour prior to the competition according to the ITU Competition Rules.
c) Course measurement c)コース測定
A laser transit or GPS will be used to measure the swim course, which must be exact with no current adjustment. This certified measurement must be provided to the TD.
The swim warm-up for the Elites athletes should end no later than 15 minutes prior to the start.
e) Swim start e)スイムスタート
Every start must be given by the referee, unless the TD assigns another technical official;
The women and men's competitions will be completely separate with a minimum of 30 minutes between the finish of one competition and the start of the next competition.
Age group/paratriathlon: エイジグループ/パラトライアスロン:
Swim start times will be determined by the TD based on the course layout and the number of athletes entered;
For standard and sprint distance events the waves will not exceed 150 athletes per wave;
Waves will have different coloured swim caps after each other. At the same time the competition number should be allocated in a way to point out easily the different waves from each other e.g. 100 to 167: wave 1, 200 to 289: wave 2, etc.;
Deep water start is acceptable touching the pontoon or a platform with one hand;
Men and women waves can never be mixed (except paratriathlon); and Athletes from the same age category and gender must start together.
f) Swim start procedure f)スイムスタート手順
elite/u23/junior: エリート/u23/ジュニア:
The start line officials will take their position behind the start line; The athletes’ will be lined up at the call room;
The announcer will start presenting the athletes based on the protocol; The athletes should choose a spot and remain inside their start box; On the referee's call: ”on your mark” they athletes should take start positions; And
The start will be given with an air or electronic horn signal.
3.Transition area 3.トランジションエリア
3.1 Transition layout 3.1トランジションのレイアウト
a) elite/u23/junior a)エリート/u23/ジュニア
Minimum width:10 metres; 最小幅:10メートル;
Flow, entry and exit angles: there should be no sharp angles and the flow should be in one direction for both transitions;
Mount line: in the full width of the transition exit clearly marked determined by the TD; Dismount line: in the full width of the transition entrance clearly marked determined by the TD;
In case of two transition areas, the set up of the athletes’ positions must be exactly the same in both;
The entrance and exit of the transition should be a minimum of a 6m width; and The mount and the dismount line should be at least 5m away from the closest bike rack.
b) Age group/paratriathlon b)エイジグループ/パラトライアスロン
Transition should be on a smooth surface, if on grass, it must be without holes or hazards and closely cropped;
Transition must be wheelchair accessible; トランジションは、車椅子に対応していなければならない。
The transition entry and exit should be marked with 3 to 4 metre high ITU branded towers or gantry; トランジションの入口と出口は、3-4メートルの高さのITUブランド付のタワーやガントレーで識別されなければならない。
The design of the transition area will ensure that all athletes run an equal distance without their bikes; The design of the transition should be set up so that there is no crossover of athletes;
In case the TD orders one day in advance check-in for the age group athletes, the transition needs to be set and secured before the start of the check-in;
The design of the transition and the athletes’ allocation should allow every athlete to re-check his/her equipment up to 30 minutes before and check out from 15minutes after the finish of the last athlete of his/her wave;
Ensure that all paratriathlon athletes are using the same entrance and exit; The paratriathlon transition section should be set to provide the easiest possible access; And
Plan for extra lighting units in case of an early morning start.
c) Team relay c)チームリレー
Athletes from the same team should be placed together in the transition area, unless the TD orders differently.
d) Long distance d)ロングディスタンス
Transition area assistants (handlers) are allowed; and A tent (separated for men and women) should be provided for changing the uniforms.
3.2 Transition area equipments 3.2トランジションエリア機器
a) Elite/u23/junior a)エリート/u23/ジュニア
Bike racksバイクラック
The preferred racks are the ‘Olympic style’;
If standard metal tube bike racks are used, they must be firm and stable - approved by the TD;
標準的な金属管バイクラックが使用される場合、それらは、しっかりと安定していなければならない -TDが承認;
Each bike rack must have a laminated name card which is at least 20cm x 25cm including: athlete's last name, 3?letter country code and/or flag; A separate athlete number sticker will be attached to the laminated name card; and
各バイクラックには、20cm x 25cm 以上のラミネートされたカードが配されなければならない。:アスリートの姓、3文字の国コード、および/または国旗;別々の選手の番号ステッカーは、ラミネートされたカードに付けられる。さらに、
The identification on the laminated name card should be placed in such a manner that is visible to spectators and unobtrusive to the athletes.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 47頁
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 48頁
Completely carpeted in blue carpet from swim exit to transition exit.
Equipment boxes用具ボックス
For each athlete with dimensions: 45cm x 30cm, and 25cm in height;
A separate athlete number sticker will be attached to each box; and
Weather conditions must be considered in the management of the athlete's equipment. (For example, box covers in case of rain.)
b) Age group/paratriathlon Bike racks b)エイジグループ/パラトライアスロン用バイクラック
The racks must be secure with a minimum of 5m between the rows;
Each age group athlete must be provided minimum width 0,75m in rack space;
各エイジグループ選手は、ラックの最小幅0,75 mを提供する必要がある;
Each paratriathlete must have 2m of transition space and folding chair should be available;
Bike positions should be clearly marked with a laminated card of 10cm x 10cm with the athlete race number;
バイク位置は、選手ナンバーの付いた10cm x 10cm のラミネートカードで明示する必要がある;
In both ends of each row, a 1m x 1m sign has to show the race numbers and age group categories that can be found in the row; and
各ラック列の両端には、1m x 1mのサインにレースナンバーとエイジグループ区分を表示して、各ラックを列ごとに見分けられるようにする;さらに、
The bike rack pole should be at least in 120cm height from the ground level.
The TD will determine the areas in the transition area which must be carpeted.
3.3 Transition area personnel 3.3トランジションエリア担当者
a) Staff and volunteers a)スタッフとボランティア
Transition entrances and exits of(訳注:of不要)must be controlled by clearly uniformed security personnel;
There should be adequate numbers of trained volunteers to direct and manage the flow of athletes maintain order and cleanliness of the transition area; and
The LOC has to provide volunteers to the transition area with the following roles: body marking, chip distribution, bike mechanic, bike check-out.
b) Technical officials b)テクニカルオフィシャル(審判員)
The number of technical officials assigned to the transition area will be determined by the TD based on the number of athletes in the competition;
A minimum of 4 technical officials should be used in the Elite Transition Zone for monitoring all the infringements during the TZ 2. The use of two video cameras is suggested for recording the athletes’ movement
最低4名の審判員が、エリートの第2トランジション(TZ 2)での違反を監視するために配置される。選手の動きを記録するために、2台のビデオカメラ使用が推奨される。
Two officials will be assigned to the mount and dismount line; and No other personnel are required in the transition during the elite, u23 and junior competitions.
c) Media c)メディア
The host broadcaster team and the ITU official photographer will be the only media allowed inside the transition area, unless the TD decides differently. A media specific lane should be preferred parallel to the transition area where is applicable;
The TD has the authority to remove these members of the media if, in his/her opinion, they are compromising the safety or fairness of the competition; and
All other media are corralled in an area adjacent to the transition area.
d) Team officials d)チーム役員
Team officials are not allowed in the transition area; and There will be a designated coaches’ area adjacent to the transition area.
e) VIPS and other dignitaries e)VIPと貴賓客
VIPs and other dignitaries are not allowed in the transition area; and
There will be an appropriate VIP viewing area adjacent to the transition area.
Transition area proceduresトランジションエリア手続き
The security of the transition area is the responsibility of the LOC.
If Olympic style” transition flow is used, the spacing needs to be minimum 2,5m per athlete
If standard transition flow is used (either with ‘Olympic style’ or metal tube), the spacing needs to be minimum 1m per athlete.
標準的なトランジションの流れが適用されるときは( 'オリンピックスタイル'または金属管のいずれか)、選手一名の最小スペースは1メートルとする。
Elite/u23/junior numbering: エリート/u23/ジュニアのナンバリング:
The lowest number must be closest to the transition area exit.
If there are two rows of bike racks, the lowest number must be on the right side facing the exit of the transition area. The even numbers must be on one side and odd numbers on the other side.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 49頁
Age group/paratriathlon numbering:
Age group athlete positioning in the transition will be determined by the order of their swim wave start.
図解)ITU-EOM(Part C) 50頁